Friday, March 18, 2011

Song For Spring

It's almost here - It's safe to say
I saw a Crocus yesterday
Its' colors bright - A lovely thing
My heart Rejoiced! 'Twil soon be Spring!
The winter blues will soon be gone
And birds will soon burst forth in song
The coral bells will gently ring
The Daphne yells "It's almost Spring!"
It's neary here! It's coming fast!
The Robins will appear at last
Oh Wonderous Joy! I too shall sing!
And join in Nature's "Song for Spring"


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


by Robert Service

I know a garden where the lilies gleam,
   And one who lingers in the sunshine there;
   She is than white-clothed lily far more fair,
And, oh, her eyes are heaven-lit with dream!

I know a garret, cold and dark and drear,
   And one who toils and toils with tireless pen,
   Until his brave, sad eyes grow weary – then
He seeks the stars pale, silent as a seer.

And, ah, it’s strange; for, desolate and dim,
   Between these two there rolls a country wide;
   Yet he is in the garden by her side
And she is in garret there with him.